Many years ago, as a 20 something barrel racer, I met the wonderful Heidi Kohl! She always seemed to ride the big beautiful dark horses and always fun to watch make runs. One of the biggest thing that Heidi helped me with back in the day, was my nervousness when I'd go to make my runs. She introduced me to some cassettes that talked about what my job was as a competitor, to only concentrate on what my job was as I went into the arena, not the points, my standing, etc... just "what is my job". Along with that, was listening to relaxing music right before my runs. For me, that was a big transition in my barrel racing, as I started to go into the arena a lot more relaxed and performing better.
Fast forward to 2020, Heidi moved on from barrel racing many years ago and is now involved in Dressage where she is excelling. Along with that, she runs Rockin K Ranch. Many boarders at the barn are involved in dressage.
I went out two times to Rockin K, and met many wonderful ladies and their beautiful horses. Below are some of these images.

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What a fabulous talent Jacquie is! I highly recommend her if you want wonderful memories captured of your horses~