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Starting 2020 in Texas!

Writer's picture: JackieJackie

Updated: Feb 7, 2020

As I head into a new year with deciding to take my photography to the professional level and start a new business, I am thrilled that my first session of 2020 had me being flown into Texas to photograph a beautiful palomino Quarter Horse stud, HF Nifty's Frenchman aka "Thai" owned by Marla Humberston.

palomino quarter horse pittsburgh equine photographer
Palomino Quarter Horse

Marla had contacted me at the end of the year, she asked if I would want to fly to Texas where Thai was being trained to do his session in Texas. Although it sounded thrilling, (and slightly like a pinch me, ME? She wanted ME to fly to Texas to take his photos!?) I had to decline, due to my schedule with my K-9 Search & Rescue team. I told her it would have to wait until March, when he returned to PA as I couldn't really miss my trainings. However, my K-9 partner, Oakley, is having some lameness issues and needs to take a leave of absence from working for now. Therefore, when she messaged me again, double checking if I could go down, I was able to accept the job. Something I would have never dreamed would happen to me as a photographer!!! Being flown to another state to take photos!

Thai was at a training facility where we were basically at the mercy of the facility rules and trainers schedule. There were only certain pastures that he was allowed in, and certain areas where we could walk him, certain times of the day we could get him out of his stall. Therefore, I had to work within the paramenters of what was allowed. Luckily, the pasture that we were able to use, produced beautiful images of Thai at liberty, enjoying that Texas morning sunlight. No doubt those dapples where clearly seen!

palomino quarter horse equine photography
HF Nifty's Frenchman

Thai was bred by Marla but she had sold him when he was young . She lost track of him for several years, and when a friend contacted her that he had found him, in not such great condition, she knew she had to get him back. Having a stud is not something she really wanted, but she knew this beautiful boy deserved better. So she found a trainer willing to take him in, give him good nutrition and good manners, and a chance at a safe, wonderful future.

As you can see, his health is great now and his color is truly stunning! He is a kind and loving boy and I have no doubt he has a wonderful future ahead of him.

As I took his photos running and enjoying that pasture time, the warm Texas sun shining, I had no doubt that Marla made the right decision flying me down to Texas instead of trying to get these shots in overcast skies in Pennsylvania.

equine photographer pittsburgh
Palomino Stud, Thai

Then came the moment for Marla to finally have the chance to ride Thai. She had told me she hated her smile, and I heard her and never asked her to smile, but tried to simply capture their natural loving connection.

Pittsburgh Equine Photographer
True Love

I do believe I captured just that in this image. When I showed it to her, her reaction told me that I did my job! She had chills and was tearing up! No doubt when you do your job properly as a photographer, your images bring out such emotions.

I did also sneak in a big smile candid image, which she told me she was happy that I caught and was thankful to have this moment saved in time that she finally sat in that saddle on Thai!

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A beautiful smile of a happy owner.

All in all, I was so happy I was able to make the trip to Texas to take Thai's images. We had a fun weekend, even getting to see Clinton Anderson for a day. There were laughs with new friends, beautiful weather and a beautiful horse to photograph! Can't get much better than that!

Pittsburgh Equine Photographer
Art Piece of Thai

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