There is nothing better than witnessing the love between little girls and their horse or pony. This past week I was lucky enough to do just that at the Steigerwald Farm photographing Grace & Molly and their beautiful best friends Montana and Batman!
As we were setting up to take a few Black Background images, I noticed Molly dragging a chair over to visit Chrissy. Mom, Shannon, had told me she loves Lifestyle photos in her questionnaire, so I quickly snapped a few photos of this tender moment.

We then moved to the Black Background images, which everybody seems to love.
My heart is always in my throat watching how much kids love their horses & ponies. It brings back my own memories of my first pony and the love and excitement I felt every time I'd get to come home from school and head to the barn!
After we shot everybody in Black Background we headed out to the fields to catch the beautiful golden light. I wanted to again capture some Lifestyle images and the adorable interaction that was happening.

I don't know about you, but a little girl, little Wranglers, little cowboy boots and a little pony, can make me smile all day long!
Next was capturing beautiful Grace & Montana. Montana is such a good horse for Grace it was amazing to watch their bond together. The gorgeous bokeh coming through the trees made it the perfect evening for photos.

Next was Molly's turn. I was able to catch a few lovely moments between mom and daughter as well.

Then, again, my heart melted. To witness these moments is what I truly love about being an Equine Photographer.

After the field, we headed back to the barn, a quick wardrobe change for a couple more shots before the sun set. I did catch a few more Lifestyle images as well. Sometimes gettnig caught as I did so. :)

Grace & Molly will be two of the cowgirls in the first Roam Photos Calendar for 2021! Keep your eye out to purchase your copy!

If you would like to book a Roam Photos session for your horse or pet , click here or give me a call at
724-272-3351. For more information on a Roam Photos session, visit the Investment page on the menu. Make sure you also sign up to be a Roam Photos VIP to receive all the exciting news of Roam Photos, Model Calls and Specials!