by Jackie Harris
Covid 19 Policy
I would like to reassure you that I will be taking all precautions advised by the CDC and the Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia Department of Health in regards to COVID-19. Client safety is my number one priority!
I commit to:
Monitor my own health and err on the side of caution to reschedule if I have any possible symptoms of the virus.
Take my temperature before leaving for each shoot.
Stay home as much as possible to limit my exposure to the virus.
Reschedule sessions for 14 days if I find I’ve been exposed to the virus.
At sessions, I will:
Maintain a six-foot social distance.
Make no physical greetings such as hugs or handshakes.
Disinfect all equipment (including shared halters, lead ropes, etc.) with wipes before and after each use.
Wear a mask if social distance cannot be maintained.
Not enter a barn without consent.
If consent is given, thoroughly sanitize my hands before entering and wear a mask.
I will have a liberal rescheduling policy where either of us can reschedule up to the time of the shoot if there is a concern for safety. I will also ask that clients reschedule if they are not feeling well, even if it is mild and also let me know if they become ill within a week after the session.
I will continue to monitor the latest news and recommendations of the state and the CDC and update this page accordingly.
I hope to safely see you soon!